Warning. Unless you have a fast internet connection, you will need patience while the photos download.
Here are the first half:
01: Tuesday. An easy walk to Maria Waldrast Monastery where we lunched.
02: Setting off from our hotel.
03: After lunch Jonathan and I climb the hill above the Monastery....
04: ...and sign the visitors book.
06: Bob descends to valley by monorail...
07: ...on one of these...
08: ...and its undercarriage.
09: Wednesday: To the Starkenberger Hut.
10: We start by riding up the Gondola from Fulpmes...
11: ...and drinking a glass of schnapps for courage along a precipitous path.
15: Care needed along next section of this path.
18: Jonathan sets up time exposure.
19: Framed.
20: The hut can be seen below my left elbow.
22: Arrival.
23: A well earned drink.
24: The return path.
25: Again, take care.
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