Following Martin Haydon’s retirement as graphic designer we welcome Vernon Thorpe to take on the role. Vernon’s approach to the design of the newsletter is quite different and we welcome feedback from members to the editor.
Whilst the design has changed, the content is still very much what you, the members, choose to contribute. Please don’t be bashful! We welcome articles on all sorts of mountain activities, both in the Alps and elsewhere, but especially from our younger members. They can be on any topic, not just reports of expeditions, and the greater the variety the more interesting the newsletter becomes. Nothing so far on mountain biking?
A significant number of you have stated a preference for a digital version of the newsletter and this is put on the Club website at the same time as the paper copies are posted. You can choose the option you prefer simply by logging onto the website and going to myData.
In our 75th year we continue to look over our shoulders. Raymond Simpson retraces a traverse of the Tirol, following the route of F S Smythe in 1935, and Al Gill checks the feasibility today of the High Level Route from Chamonix to Zermatt pioneered in 1859-62. Peter Dixon reminisces on how he developed a love for all things mountainous from the 1950s onwards. But we also have more recent accounts of expeditions to the Karakoram, Pyrenees, Uganda and Costa Blanca as well as the Alps. Perhaps our reports on 2023 ski trips and WELTbewegend training courses may encourage greater participation in Club-sponsored activities.
Finally, don’t overlook the Autumn Gathering in Aviemore in October – not just the Club AGM but a raft of activities just waiting for you to join in and perhaps try something different. See page 9 for details.
Contributions for the Autumn newsletter should be with the editor by 1 July 2023 – I can becontacted at
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