The June Skye meet, now fully booked, has attracted a number of rock climbers. Although my own focus will be on the classic scrambles along the Cuillin Ridge, no fewer than 13 of the 20 members who have booked intend to take their rock climbing gear and spend at least a day or two doing some of the classic rock climbs in the Cuillin. So there must be a strong demand from within our membership for club meets aimed specifically at rock climbers. But we don't plan future meets centrally: we encourage any and all members to step forward and plan and organise all of the meets in our programme. So if you would like to see more rock climbing meets, PLEASE organise them!. You will get all of the support and encouragement you need from the club officials responsible for our meets programme. In order to ' test the waters' I would like to repeat in 2016 a meet I organised in the Dolomites in 2007. On that occasion everyone took part in my daily programme of vie ferrate, but in 2016 I am hoping that some of our keen rock climbing members might seize the opportunity to join the meet and bag some of the fine multi-pitch climbs that abound. See the calendar entry for Aug 6 - 20! Does the thought of lovely warm dry limestone not sound attractive?
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